If you landed here, there’s a good chance you have the mindset of a high performer and you feel it’s time to do something about that goal or that particular problem that has limited you in some way until now. What is it that brought you here? What stands in the way of you and the results you want to achieve? Why are you looking for Human Performance Coaching?
A new future, different from what we experienced yesterday and the day before, is only possible when we commit to doing new actions. Something new, we have never done before. As a human performance coach, I can help you create the space that will allow you to take a new path with confidence, certainty, purpose and joy. Below you will find just a few topics related on how the process of coaching can help you achieve the next level.
How Performance Coaching Can Help You Step Up

See Clearly
Performance Coaching can help you understand where you are in your current stage of life, what values and needs are essential for your well-being, and it can support you in creating and striving towards a compelling vision for your future. Coaching will help you define specific and measurable goals and inspire you to take action to move in the right direction, one step closer to what you desire most.
Limiting Beliefs and Inner Blocks
Often it’s our own limiting beliefs, behavioural patterns and negative emotions that stop us from stepping into our own greatness and achieving the results we want for ourselves in our personal lives or in our careers. Coaching can help you to overcome emotional blocks and beliefs. But coaching is not therapy. Designed for healthy people, it does not involve dwelling on the memory of traumatic events. The beauty of coaching is its effectiveness and the fact that it is not necessary to relive past memories – as it is often done in counselling – in order to resolve traumatic events or achieve a breakthrough.

Fulfilment and True Purpose
I believe that each one of us is born with a life purpose. A reason for which we’re on this planet. Each one of us has a unique set of skills and qualities that can be best experienced when we live in alignment to our life purpose. Coaching will help you understand yourself better and get clarity. Then you can experience fulfilment as a result of living “on purpose”.
Overcome Difficult Emotions
Challenges are there to help us grow. And when we grow, we usually become stronger. Performance Coaching can help us deal with tough times and traumas. I’m often contacted by clients who need help to overcome an emotional or even traumatic event, such as the end of a relationship, a drastic change in their career, or a phobia. My coaching helps clients to tap into their own energies and find the resources needed to move forward.

Gain Confidence and Control
Every single person has or has had a problem with confidence at some point. Holding back, not speaking out and being cautious are instincts which have ensured the survival of our species for millennia. We are the genetic descendants of our more “cautious” ancestors because the reckless ones often didn’t live to tell the tale. However, some of the reactions that served our ancestors, no longer serve us. My coaching can help you find inner resources that will boost your confidence and get you taking action.
Achieve the Impossible
When we believe something is impossible, we’re simply thinking within the boundaries of our limits. Performance coaching can help you achieve goals you once thought were impossible, by thinking outside the box and by creating a step by step plan that will bring you closer to your goals. Every high performer, in all walks of life, not just in sports, would have failed to reach the top without the help of a coach.

Now, what’s your focus?
These are only a few examples of how human performance coaching can help you to improve your personal and professional life. If you are still reading, this might be the best time to pick up the phone and give me a call or write me a message. I’d be happy to have a conversation with you.
How can I serve you? Let’s find out together. Join me for a free strategy session!
A strategy session is an informal conversation, that allows you to gain clarity about where you are now, where you want to be in three or six months, and how to create a plan on getting there. It gives you the opportunity to ask any question and will give you a good feel if I am the right coach for you. I speak German, English and Italian.
What My Clients Seek
It is my greatest passion to work with people, and accompany them on their path to success. My clients have a high-performer mindset. They are leaders and come from all walks of life. Among them are philanthropists, business owners, executives, scientists, athletes, actors, film-makers, photographers, and artists. What makes them unique is their willingness to excel at what they do, to push their boundaries, and to make use of their full potential as human beings so that they can achieve extraordinary results. They also care about positively influencing the people around them. With me, they share the wish to make an Authentic Impact around themselves. They seek more meaning, more passion, more authenticity, more fulfilment, and more purpose. The coaching relationship I create with my clients, helps them to discover the inner resources they need to accomplish what they most desire. I work internationally and my online coaching sessions usually happen via Zoom, phone or, when possible in person.
Coaching Specialties
My coaching is not for everyone. It is for the mavericks, for the visionaries, for the pioneers, for the compassionate, for the ones who dare to challenge the status quo. It is for ordinary people who want to bring the extraordinary within them to life and for those who want to go the extra mile to rise and shine, and to break through.
What Clients say About my Coaching
“During the time Stefano was coaching me, I substantially grew my confidence in the workplace, overcame phobias, dealt with issues I’d been carrying around for many years and most importantly, learned to value myself and define a path forward into the future. I couldn’t recommend Stefano highly enough to anyone who is considering hiring a coach. He’s approachable, flexible, patient and encouraging.”
“I see you as a calm, pragmatic and intelligent guy whose natural flair and qualities as a coach and leader are coupled with a sincere respect for humanity. Your humility, kindness, and thoughtfulness enhance your natural authority. You have a real vision and force, you are bold and creative, respectful to your environment, people, and circumstances. Your passion , rigour and patience empower your and your natural artistic flair. Your capacity for observation and analysis are exemplary. You work with tremendous skill, depth, and insight which all highlight your authenticity as an exceptionally talented professional.”
During the four three months of coaching with Stefano, I was able to better identify personal and professional goals and priorities. Through the techniques thought by him I was furthermore able to make significant moves towards these goals, step by step and week by week. Stefano adapted the content and methodology based on what worked effectively with me. It has been a pleasure to be coached by Stefano and I can recommend him anyone who is looking for professional coaching.
Stefano has really helped me improve my performance and realize more of my potential. I’ve been working with Stefano for about six months now and am more than satisfied with the results. Among other things, he helped me to Identify and gain clarity on my personal and professional goals, to make significant progress towards them, to learn better ways to deal with stress and anxiety, to break up thought patterns that were holding me back. I can recommend him to anyone looking to achieve any of those points. It’s been a great journey and I look forward to continuing it.
“The first thing I noticed about you, Stefano is your precision: You wanted to get to the heart of the meaning of a question or exercise or indeed a person. Second thing I noticed is your persistence when it comes to learning. Even if something did not make total sense to you initially, you would keep trying and keep working to understand until you were able to make it work or bring it to life. Third is your energy: I find you to be very engaging and the energy that you apply to your work is infectious, and has been inspiring to me.”
“Stefano you are kind and compassionate, someone who genuinely wants to make the world a better place. For me it’s your strength of character that I will always remember, not afraid to challenge or seek to gain a greater meaning of the little things that make an enormous difference.”
Before the coaching with Stefano I felt lost, I was looking for a purpose that would give value to my life and had the great fear that I would never identify it. I tried to understand on my own what my purpose could be by reading books, undertaking the study of a new language and watching several videos about it e.g. TED Talks. There was a moment just before committing to the coaching where I had doubt and felt insecure. I feared to disappoint myself, not being able to identify my purpose in life. Coaching made me understand myself better, I understood that my purpose is not a fixed point to reach but a path along a lifetime and that does not depend on what others expect of me but rather on what I first I want. I have learned and am still learning to let go rather than trying to keep control over my surroundings. The most significant difference is the awareness of my value as a person and the knowledge of tools that help me even after coaching to continue my path.
Stefano is a very competent coach who immediately gained my complete trust. It has been certainly a very important experience for me both professionally and personally, it gave me a new perspective on life and how to live it.
I was in a situation during lock down that I realized the whole work style and not knowing what I should do with me other than working was the key commitment to myself: I need an outside perspective. When I searched for coaching and we met the first time, there was the moment where I realized yep that’s the right person to open up to and trust. … Who I am today? I am a self-confident woman who shares openly her opinion and know what I need to be happy and energized. I love to be around people, need creativity and drive for integrity & harmony. I am enjoying every moment and that I don’t need to have a detailed plan for the next step. I can trust my instinct and others. Thank you so much, Stefano, with challenging me when I tried to hide or feared to really open up. You saw from day one what my strength are and who I am. I couldn’t see it and you gave me the opportunity to see myself from different perspectives! I am very happy that I found you and really appreciate your style of coaching!
“Stefano has an incredible intuition and skill as a coach to support and guide you towards your desired outcomes. His caring nature and compassion help you feel at total ease during the coaching sessions. He connects with your heart and mind with great coherence of his own, coaching with passion and depth. He also has a fantastic sense of humour! I highly recommend Stefano!”
“It was a truly unique experience. Stefano is a very caring and attentive person, yet he remains discrete without being distant. I have met quite a few consultants during the last 10 years, but I can sincerely say that Stefano is the person I felt most at ease with and with whom I obtained true results.”
“We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.”